Okay I will stop chearing! Actually the kids are excited about school starting.
School supplies have been bought, backpacks are already packed and then came a big bag in the mail...Bryan looked at me and said, "Let me guess, UNIFORMS!" I said with a grin yep! He has shot up so much that 8's are short but fit in the waist. 10's are just right, but big in the waist and I got 10 slims. At least 3 of his new pair have the inside elastic so that will help.
Bryan & Morgan go back to school on the 18th and Paul goes back the 28th. Yep, Paul is in PRESCHOOL. Now that one is a hard one to swallow. He was so excited to get a new backpack that he has a spot to hang it and that his brother and sister will be picking him up after school. He thinks he is all that!
Mike & the kids will head back to Wisconsin on the 2nd and plan to return on the 13th. The 12th is the big picnic at General Mills and they are real excited about that one! What will I do with all that alone time? Two books I would like to get read and I plan to organize a few bedrooms before school starts.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Bryan's surprise
Bryan opened the Sunday paper and was shocked to see this...
He was pretty excited...
He was pretty excited...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
So serious
Bryan's Grand Champion pictures
Monday, July 14, 2008
Bryan still on cloud 9!
Well the Platte County Fair is over for another year and the biggest surprise of the fair came on Friday night. I first need to thank you for all the well wishes that were sent to the kids. They loved it. Second we made it through the beef show it was VERY warm and I felt for those kids working their animals in the heat.
Bryan showed his bucket calf "Midnight". He did great during the interview portion (from what we could see). The kids would walk their calf to the judge, set it up and then answer questions. Of course as Bryan approached the judge the darn train goes by and hits the horn. Funny thing is there is no crossing at that spot. I think they just do it because the fair is going on. Anyways Bryan tells the judge excuse me, walks his calf in a big circle, comes back and then explains his calf doesn't like the trains all to well. The obstacle course is their version of showmanship with the calf. Midnight did great till the bridge and then he was done. Bryan kept his cool the entire time and tried and tried to get the calf to go over the bridge. NO GO. He also fought to get him in the trailer but the calf wanted nothing to do with it. Other wise he did good. There ended up being 27 bucket calves so it was a long interview and obstacle course competition. I had to leave after he finished as the station was hosting a concert. I left as soon as the concert started only to miss the awards...THANK YOU to my Sister-in-law Karalyn and her friend Karalina for being there to see his excitement and shock...
Bryan showed his bucket calf "Midnight". He did great during the interview portion (from what we could see). The kids would walk their calf to the judge, set it up and then answer questions. Of course as Bryan approached the judge the darn train goes by and hits the horn. Funny thing is there is no crossing at that spot. I think they just do it because the fair is going on. Anyways Bryan tells the judge excuse me, walks his calf in a big circle, comes back and then explains his calf doesn't like the trains all to well. The obstacle course is their version of showmanship with the calf. Midnight did great till the bridge and then he was done. Bryan kept his cool the entire time and tried and tried to get the calf to go over the bridge. NO GO. He also fought to get him in the trailer but the calf wanted nothing to do with it. Other wise he did good. There ended up being 27 bucket calves so it was a long interview and obstacle course competition. I had to leave after he finished as the station was hosting a concert. I left as soon as the concert started only to miss the awards...THANK YOU to my Sister-in-law Karalyn and her friend Karalina for being there to see his excitement and shock...
He couldn't believe it. He made me cry when he said, "Mom I am glad I listened to you and wrote neat on my poster!" He was so excited and still is. Sunday brought the livestock sale and Bryan sold his pen of 3 birds. We are still unsure as to who the buyer was and will have to wait until Tuesday when the Extension office opens up. We told him that 1/2 of what he made had to go in his savings. Neither Mike or I knew how much the birds would bring. Lets just say next time he sells 3/4 will go in savings...
Morgan had a great show and her birds would have had a blue had she not been a Clover Kid. She can't wait to be going into 3rd grade when she can show for "real" as she put it.
All in all the kids had a great fair. Bryan is off to football camp the rest of the week and Morgan and Paul are at Gina's today. Tomorrow Morgan & Mike take 64 birds to Brainard to be processed. All but 9 are ours SO if anyone wants birds just let me know:)
Have a great Monday and pictures will be coming soon. Karalyn took the pics during the show...THANK YOU.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Now for Bryan

He also showed his pen of 3 broilers. He decided not to do showmanship for the birds because he is going to do showmanship with his bucket calf. I didn't get a chance to watch them show their broilers as I had to go back to work. He walked into my office and said, "I am done showing and (the grin started) got a PURPLE!!!!". This now means that Bryan gets to sell his 3 birds during the auction on Sunday. This is his first year as a full-fledged 4-Her and he is on cloud 9. I had to explain that he might not do that well every year but he said he didn't care he was just excited for this year.
I will post fair pics hopefully tomorrow.

Words can't not explain the pride both Mike & I felt today as our kids showed their birds in 4-H at the county fair.
First will start with Miss Morgan. She showed her ducks and found out one was a girl...she was VERY excited about that. During showmanship the duck bit her finger. She wasn't very happy about that but handled it well. She also showed her pen of 3 broilers. Because she is a clover kid she gets participation ribbons but she didn't care. Her's were rainbows!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
To all:
Soon it will be the fourth of July with time off, spent with those we care about. I am writing to ask you to take 30 seconds and send a note to some people who will not be home for the fourth enjoying watermelon, and watching fireworks from the comfort of a lawn chair. I am not interested in your political persuasions, not am I interested in how you feel about the war in IRAQ, but I do care about the people who are there. Please go to www.LetsSayThanks.com and send a note to a soldier who will not be home for the fourth of July. It is easy, kids designed them (pick one) and someone else wrote the words ( if you want to use those words), or write your own. Then Click.
We have friends that are in Iraq right now and I am sure you do too, this only takes a few moments to do and the kids have sent theirs...won't you?
Thank you for reading, and thanks again for sending a note.
Happy Fourth of July, and Let true Freedom Ring
Soon it will be the fourth of July with time off, spent with those we care about. I am writing to ask you to take 30 seconds and send a note to some people who will not be home for the fourth enjoying watermelon, and watching fireworks from the comfort of a lawn chair. I am not interested in your political persuasions, not am I interested in how you feel about the war in IRAQ, but I do care about the people who are there. Please go to www.LetsSayThanks.com and send a note to a soldier who will not be home for the fourth of July. It is easy, kids designed them (pick one) and someone else wrote the words ( if you want to use those words), or write your own. Then Click.
We have friends that are in Iraq right now and I am sure you do too, this only takes a few moments to do and the kids have sent theirs...won't you?
Thank you for reading, and thanks again for sending a note.
Happy Fourth of July, and Let true Freedom Ring
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