Those were the words that Paul used after he got to see a helicopter up close. For those that didn't know, last November Paul was taken to Children's Hospital-Minneapolis from Cumberland Hosptial in Wisconsin because of breathing problems (croup & rsv). Daddy got to go with him on the helicopter, I was in the airport in Chicago with the thought of going to dinner with Cricket and them to the farm for deer season. It seems in the last couple of months everytime a helicopter goes over our house (which is regular as we are the flight path for Lifeflight out of Lincoln) he freeks.
I called a former firefighter from Columbus who owns a few helicopters for medical and personal use and he said to bring him on by. THANK YOU to Kim Wolfe and Midwest Medical for spending all the time he did with Paul. Kim talked to him about how it works and how it may have been a fright last year but this year was the treat as he got to sit in it and "fly" it. Kim made sure he had a gift bag of a hat, t-shirt, pin, magnets and luggage tag's all with the helicopter on it.
Enjoy the pics...