We started our Saturday by moving out the old washer-transmission went out in it. We have had it 14 years. Kinda strange to see it go, it was the first big purchase Mike & I made. He surprised me when he suggested that we get a front loader. I have always wanted on and today Morgan, Paul & I went and picked out a Matag (made by Whirlpool) Renee & Jerry came over and got it in the house and tomorrow Mike will get it hooked up. Can't wait to see how those uniform shirts wash up.
Tonight Morgan and Paul are playing outside in the cool evening. Chores are done and pizza and malts are on the schedule for supper. We got a great used sectional couch (Thanks Kay) and it matches the living room. Kids are begging me to let them sleep on the hide-a-bed and I might just let them.
Mike & Bryan are at the state fair. Mike had to work in the H&R booth and Bryan found out he got a blue ribbon on his heritage project titled "My families involvement in WWII"
Pizza timer is going off...will post some pics tomorrow once my laundry room is in "order"